The hottest & trendy SL resourceful Site for EVERYTHING you like about SL.
book a Free Coverage
- business - store brand, organization, estates, or something else of the sort
- event, fair, sales
- community - inworld group or SL Facebook group or something else of the sort
- activity - RP Sim/Location or something else of the sort
- Hangout spot - Clubs, themed Parties or something else of the sort
- Influencer streams / YouTube Channel / IG account / or something else of the sort
- something else..
Our base FREE COVERAGE services provide:
❑ A post with your file ( Logo or flyer) with short information (both provided by you) on:
E.I. Website
E. I. Flickr + shared in groups
E.I. Facebook + shared in groups
E.I. Instagram
E.I. Discord community
In-world Notice in Essential inventory Updates group
. ❑ The Post will contain:
1 or 2 Photo file(s)
Short and catchy description/information for your business
Dates /if any/
Links to all Locations /Website/service URL provided by you
PLEASE request Coverage at least a week before the starting date you'd be booking.
◘ Advertising
⚜ Our coverage service is provided for free, although for bigger and Better Exposure, we also provide paid Advertising, packages, and programs of weekly coverage, to help promote your event even further!
See Advertising Page for more info HERE
You can add a Social Boost Package (5000L$ ) to give a push-up to your post with powerful social media marketing tactics on all over our media (+32k followers) on any date you want.
Other Services from us: