Asyana and Guido Dark Outfits on sale for 25Ls

Description: Its 25Ls Tuesday at Munereia. What do they have in store for you? They have outfit for men and women this Tuesday!
Asyana is an oriental inspired short dress that has 25 colors, and fits Maitreya, Legacy, eBody Reborn, Belleza (F/I/V), Slink (Physique and Hourlgass) Ocacin, Voluptuous and you can take off the bow too!
Guido Dark is for the stylish men out there! It includes the shirt and pants both includes 20 colors each and is fitted for Belleza Jake, Legacy Male, Slink, Signature Giani, Ocacin Gamit, Fitmesh Classic!
So what are you waiting for! Both are 25Ls each!