From Nov 24th to Dec 11th

Enjoy lovingly farmed & crafted items at the Farmers' Market! All items 100L or less from our very own cosy community of creators where you'll find everything from baked treats & stylish boho threads to handmade crafts, homewares and botanical treasures awaiting you at our participants' stores.
Featuring Aardvark SL, amara beauty, amiable, amias, Asteria, Avi-Glam, Bauhaus, BLACK NEST, Apple Blossom (Blossie), BONDI, Broken Arrows, Crypt Keeper, Dahlia, Duvet Day, Elm., Enamour, Fourth Wall, Halo, HILL, Junk Food Store, Kalopsia, Krescendo, Lagomsl, Littlepaws Art Gallery, Lmndrp., LORE, Madras Decor Store, Merak - SL Furniture and Decor, Midna, Movement Store, Mura SL, PARE, Sass, Serenity Style, Short Leash, Simple Things, Simply Shelby, SKVOST, Spruce, Starfall, Static, tarte., Tiptoes, Vizarte, Zaker SL, Zerkalo